froggy 0.2.1

Froggy is a prototype for the Component Graph System programming model. It aims to combine the convenience of composition-style Object-Oriented Programming with the performance close to Entity-Component Systems.


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Froggy is a prototype for Component Graph System. Froggy is not an ECS (it could as well be named "finecs" but then it would have "ecs" in the name... yikes)! Give it a try if:

  • you are open to new paradigms and programming models
  • you are tired of being forced to think in terms of ECS
  • you like simple composable things

Check ecs_bench for performance comparisons with actual ECS systems.


extern crate froggy;

fn main() {
    let positions = froggy::Storage::new();
    // create entities
    let entities = {
        let mut p = positions.write();
        vec![p.create(1u8), p.create(4u8), p.create(9u8)]
    // update positions
        let mut p = positions.write();
        for e in &entities {
            p[e] += 1;