[][src]Macro forest_ipld::ipld

macro_rules! ipld {
    ($($ipld:tt)+) => { ... };

Construct a forest_ipld::Ipld roughly matching JSON format. This code is a modified version of serde_json::json macro, with extensions for being able to indicate links and bytes. These two matterns can be matched by wrapping Cid link in Link(..) or the Vec<u8> in Bytes().

let value = ipld!({
    "code": 200,
    "success": true,
    "link": Link("QmdfTbBqBPQ7VNxZEYEj14VmRuZBkqFbiwReogJgS1zR1n".parse().unwrap()),
    "bytes": Bytes(vec![0x1, 0xfa, 0x8b]),
    "payload": {
        "features": [

Variables or expressions can be interpolated into the JSON literal. Any type interpolated into an array element or object value must implement Serde's Serialize trait, while any type interpolated into a object key must implement Into<String>. If the Serialize implementation of the interpolated type decides to fail, or if the interpolated type contains a map with non-string keys, the ipld! macro will panic.

let code = 200;
let features = vec!["serde", "ipld"];

let value = ipld!({
    "code": code,
    "success": code == 200,
    "payload": {
        features[0]: features[1]

Trailing commas are allowed inside both arrays and objects.

let value = ipld!([
    "comma -->",