folder_compare 0.1.0

Compare two folders and get a list of changed and new files


A library to recursively compare files in two folders and return two lists of files: One with new files and one with changed files.

folder_compare also takes a list of Strings acting as exclude patterns using RegexSet.

Overall the functionality is comparable to a diff -rq folder1 folder2 -X excludepatterns.pat on unix like systems

For recognizing changed files, hashing with [FxHasher] is used.

Licensed under Apache-2.0


To use this crate, add walkdir as a dependency to your project's Cargo.toml:

folder_compare = "0.1"


The following code recursively iterates over two directories and returns lists of changed and new files

use walkdir::WalkDir;
use std::path::Path;
use folder_compare;

let excluded = vec![".doc", ".txt"];
let (changed_files, new_files) = folder_compare::compare(Path::new("/tmp/a"), Path::new("/tmp/b"), &excluded).unwrap();