[][src]Crate fog_pack

fog-pack builds on msgpack with a set of extensions useful for all structured data. The ultimate goal is to provide a single coherent approach to encoding data, validating it, and compressing it. Any existing data format can be replaced with fog-pack, without compromise.

To meet this lofty goal, it builds on msgpack by providing:

  • A canonical form for all data. Given a known input, the same fog-pack value will always be generated.
  • Cryptographic hashes are a value type, and the hash of a fog-pack value can be calculated.
  • Encrypted data is a value type, which may contain arbitrary data, a secret key, or a private key.
  • Support for symmetric-key cryptography.
    • Data can be encrypted using a secret key
    • Secret keys may be passed around in encrypted form
  • Support for public-key cryptography.
    • Public keys are a value type
    • Data can be signed with a secret key
    • Data can be encrypted with a public key
    • Private keys may be passed around in encrypted form
  • A schema format, allowing for validation of fog-pack values.
    • Specifies subsets of possible values
    • Schema may be used to filter fog-pack values, allowing them to be used as a query against a database of values
    • Schema are themselves fog-pack objects
  • Immutable Documents, consisting of a fog-pack object with an optional schema reference, and identifiable by their cryptographic Hash.
  • Entries, consisting of a fog-pack object, a key string, and the hash of a fog-pack Document. These may be used to form mutable links between documents.
  • Support for compression. A document or entry may be compressed after encoding & hashing. Dictionary compression of values is supported if a schema is used, allowing for exceptionally fast compression and high ratios. See zstd for more information on the compression used.

Documents & Entries

fog-pack defines two core ways of working with encoded values: a Document and an Entry. Documents contain a single encoded Object, and may have an optional associated Schema (see below). Entries have an associated parent Document and string, and may contain any type of encoded value. Together, these allow for the description of immutable data with small mutable data linking them together. In general:

  • Documents contain structured immutable data, like files, content, data records, etc.
  • Entries contain small mutable data, like links to Documents, temporary data, small status updates, or small ephemeral records.

Both of these are purposely size-limited; Documents are limited to 1 MiB decompressed, and Entries are limited to 54 kiB decompressed. Large files and structures can be easily created by making Document trees, using their hashes to connect them.


A Schema is a special type of Document that describes the format of other documents. It contains additional specifications for what Entries may be attached to a Document, and can include recommmended compression settings, even including a compression dictionary for zstd. Documents that use a specific schema reference it by placing the schema's hash in the value associated with the empty string field, like so:

    "": "<Hash(Schema Used)>",
    "text": "Example document"


A Query is a special type of Entry that describes a filter for other Entries. They are created as an Entry, then are encoded using encode_query. When decoded with a Schema, they can be used to check Entries and determine if each one matches the Query.


First, include fog-pack in your Cargo.toml:

fog-pack = "0.1.0"

Before anything else, we must initialize the underlying crypto library:


Generally, a schema is the first thing you'll want to make. This specifies the format of all our immutable documents, along with the entries attached to them:

// Create a simple schema for streaming text posts
let schema_doc = Document::new(fogpack!({
    "req": {
        "name": { "type": "Str" },
    "entries": {
        "post": {
            "type": "Obj",
            "req": {
                "text": { "type": "Str" },
                "time": { "type": "Time", "query": true, "ord": true}
let mut schema = Schema::from_doc(schema_doc).unwrap();

With a schema in place, we can create documents that adhere to them, and entries to attach to those documents:

// Create a new text post document
let mut my_posts = Document::new(fogpack!({
    "": Value::from(schema.hash().clone()),
    "name": "My Text Posts",

// Make our first post
let now = SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap();
let mut first_post = Entry::new(
        "text": "This is my very first post.",
        "time": Timestamp::from_sec(now.as_secs() as i64)

Entries are encoded fog-pack with an associated document and string field. They let us attach changing data to an immutable document, including links between documents.

Both documents and entries can be crytographically signed. This requires having a key vault in place, along with a key:

// Create a Vault for storing our Identity,
// which we'll use to sign posts.
let mut vault = crypto::Vault::new_from_password(
    "Not a good password".to_string()
let my_key = vault.new_key();

my_posts.sign(&vault, &my_key).unwrap();
first_post.sign(&vault, &my_key).unwrap();

Both documents and entries go through a schema to be encoded; this lets them be validated and optionally compressed:

let encoded_my_posts = schema.encode_doc(my_posts).unwrap();
let first_post_checklist = schema.encode_entry(first_post).unwrap();
let encoded_first_post = first_post_checklist.complete().unwrap();

Entries may require additional validation with documents they link to, but in this case, we don't need to do any additional validation and can retrieve the encoded entry right away.

Finally, where the schema allows it, we can make queries that will match against these entries:

// We can create a query to use for picking posts within a time window
let my_posts_hash = extract_schema_hash(&encoded_my_posts[..]).unwrap().unwrap();
let query_last_day = Entry::new(
        "type": "Obj",
        "unknown_ok": true,
        "time": {
            "type": "Time",
            "min": (now.as_secs() as i64) - (24*60*60),
            "max": now.as_secs() as i64,
let query_last_day = encode_query(query_last_day);



Checklists used for verifying an Entry.


Provides basic cryptographic functionality. Key management, encryption, and signing are all done via a Vault. Before using anything, crypto::init() must be called.


The main specifications for fog-pack.



Construct a fog_pack::Value from a JSON-like literal.



A single, immutable fog-pack object that can be signed, hashed, and compressed.


A fog-pack value that can be signed and compressed, with an associated document hash and field.


Crytographically secure hash of data. Can be signed by a FullKey. It is impractical to generate an identical hash from different data.


A fog-pack Identity, which may be used for signature verification and encryption of data. This is a key for Ed25519 signing and encryption with Curve25519.


Represents a fog-pack integer, whether signed or unsigned.


A container for either a StreamKey, Key, or Value. Can be encrypted for a particular Identity, or for a particular StreamKey


An encoder/decoder for when no Schema is being used.


A decoded Query, which may be use to check if an Entry matches it or not.


Struct holding the validation portions of a schema. Can be used for validation of a document or entry.


Structure for holding a raw fog-pack timestamp.



Possible cryptographic submodule error conditions.


Possible fog-pack error conditions.


Value stores any type of fog-pack value, and can be encoded into a fog-pack byte sequence


ValueRef stores a reference to a decoded fog-pack byte sequence



The maximum allowed size of a raw document, including signatures, is 1 MiB. An encoded, compressed document may be slightly larger than this, as it includes a short header, and compression can theoretically result in a slightly larger size too.


The maximum allowed size of a raw entry, including signatures, is 64 kiB. An encoded, compressed entry may be slightly larger than this, as it includes a short header, and compression can theoretically result in a slightly larger size too. This does not include the size of the parent hash or the field for the entry.





Encode an Entry for later decoding into a query.


Finds the schema hash for a raw, encoded document. Fails if raw data doesn't fit the document format, or if the empty field ("") doesn't contain a Hash. If there is no schema, None is returned.

Type Definitions


The default fog-pack Result type