fncmd 1.2.0

Command line interface as a function.

Crates.io License

fncmd is an opinionated command line parser frontend that wraps around clap. The functionality is mostly identical to clap, but provides much more automated and integrated experience.


Imagine a command line program you want to create. Essentially, it can be abstracted as a simple function that takes command line options as arguments. Then there should be nothing to stop you from being able to write it literally as a function, without using structs or builders like today's Rustaceans do.

This concept is tremendously inspired by argopt, I really appreciate the work. However, it still requires a bit of cumbersome code, especially for handling subcommands. fncmd has been rewritten from scratch to get rid of all the complexities. Let's dig into Subcommands section to see how we can handle it.


This crate is nightly-only. Make sure you have set up your toolchain as nightly before using (e.g. having rust-toolchain file). You might be interested in Why nightly.

To install, if you use cargo-edit:

cargo add fncmd

Or you can manually edit Cargo.toml:

fncmd = "1.2.0"


This crate exposes just a single attribute macro, [fncmd], which can only be attached to the main function:

// main.rs
use fncmd::fncmd;

/// Description of the command line tool
pub fn main(
  /// Argument foo
  #[opt(short, long)]
  foo: String,
  /// Argument bar
  #[opt(short, long)]
  bar: Option<String>,
) {
  println!("{:?} {:?}", foo, bar);

That's all, and now you got a command line program with options handled by clap. With above code, the help message will be like below:

crate-name 0.1.0

Description of the command line tool

    crate-name [OPTIONS] --foo <FOO>

    -b, --bar <BAR>    Argument bar
    -f, --foo <FOO>    Argument foo
    -h, --help         Print help information
    -V, --version      Print version information

The name and the version of your crate are automatically inferred from Cargo metadata.

The usage of the opt attribute is exactly the same as the underlying clap attribute on arguments, they're just passed as is, except that it appends (long) if no configuration was provided, i.e. #[opt] means #[opt(long)]. If you want to take the argument foo without --foo, just omit #[opt].


As you may know, in Cargo project you can put entrypoints for additional binaries into src/bin. If 1) their names are prefixed by crate-name and 2) their main functions are decorated with the #[fncmd] attribute and 3) exposed as pub, then those are automatically wrapped up as subcommands of the default binary target crate-name. Say you have the following directory structure:

├── main.rs
└── bin
    ├── crate-name-subcommand1.rs
    └── crate-name-subcommand2.rs

You'll get the following subcommand structure:

├── crate-name subcommand1
└── crate-name subcommand2

Multiple commands and nested subcommands

Actually fncmd doesn't have any distinction between the “default” binary and “additional” binaries. It determines subcommand structure just based on prefix structure instead. Therefore, configuring binary targets in your Cargo.toml should work as intended, for example:

name = "crate-name"
path = "src/clis/crate-name.rs"

name = "another"
path = "src/clis/another.rs"

name = "another-sub" # `pub`
path = "src/clis/another-sub.rs"

name = "another-sub-subsub" # `pub`
path = "src/clis/another-sub-subsub.rs"

name = "another-orphan" # non-`pub`
path = "src/clis/another-orphan.rs"

name = "another-orphan-sub" # `pub`
path = "src/clis/another-orphan-sub.rs"

This configuration yields up into these commands:


└── another sub
    └── another sub subsub

└── another-orphan sub

Looking at another-orphan, it's not contained within another, because it's not exposed as pub. As seen here, making the main of a target non-pub is only meaningful when you want it to have a common prefix with others but not to be included by another command, so in most cases you can set pub without thinking.

Of course the same structure can be achieved without manually editing Cargo.toml, by placing files into the default location:

├── main.rs
└── bin
    ├── another.rs
    ├── another-sub.rs
    ├── another-sub-subsub.rs
    ├── another-orphan.rs
    └── another-orphan-sub.rs

Use with exotic attribute macros

Sometimes you may want to transform the main function with another attribute macro such as #[tokio::main]. In such case you have to put #[fncmd] at the outmost level:

/// Description of the command line tool
pub async fn main(hello: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> {

But not:

/// Description of the command line tool
pub async fn main(hello: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> {

This is because Rust requires procedural macros to produce legal code for each macroexpansion. If you put #[tokio::main] before, then it outputs the code preserving the parameters as is, while main funtions with parameters are not legal in Rust. To workaround this, #[fncmd] detects other attributes (this is only possible when the others are present after #[fncmd]), and if any, remove the parameters temporarily and save them into an internal field for later use, so that the others expand into legal code.

Position of the doc comment doesn't matter.


fncmd won't support following features by design:

  • Show authors on the help message
  • Change the name and the version of the command to arbitrary values
  • Attach #[fncmd] to functions other than main

That's why fncmd states “opinionated”. Showing authors on the help will simply be a noise from general user's point of view, and changing metadata such as name and version to different values from the ones defined in Cargo.toml can easily undermine maintainability and consistency of them. Attaching #[fncmd] to arbitrary functions can lead to a bloated single file codebase, which should be avoided in general.

Why nightly

The way it automatically determines which targets are subcommands or not requires the #[fncmd] macro itself to know the name of the attached target, and thus the path of the file at which it has been called. This can be achieved by Span::source_file, which is behind an unstable feature flag proc_macro_span.

Additionally, in order to allow users to use different return types for subcommand functions, it uses std::process::Termination trait internally, which is behind termination_trait_lib.