fmtcalc 0.1.0

A calculator that can be used like the println! macro of the Rust language.
# fmtcalc

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This is a simple calculator written in Rust.  
It is an alternative to printf for shell command.  

## Examples

$ fmtcalc 4+2

$ fmtcalc "1+2*3 = {}" "1+2*3"
1+2*3 = 7

$ fmtcalc "0xFF - 654.321"

$ fmtcalc "3²+4²={}, 5²={}" "3*3+4*4" "5*5"
3² +4² =25, 5² =25

For better ergonomics I often abbreviate `fmtcalc` as `println` in your shell startup files:

alias println='fmtcalc'

## Installation

$ cargo install fmtcalc

## License