Crate fluent [] [src]

Fluent is a localization system designed to improve how software is translated.

The Rust implementation provides the low level components for syntax operations, like parser and AST, and the core localization struct - MessageContext.

MessageContext is the low level container for storing and formating localization messages. It is expected that implementations will build on top of it by providing language negotiation between user requested languages and available resources and I/O for loading selected resources.


use fluent::MessageContext;
use fluent::types::FluentValue;
use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut ctx = MessageContext::new(&["en-US"]);

hello-world = Hello, world!
intro = Welcome, { $name }.

let msg = ctx.get_message("hello-world").unwrap();
let value = ctx.format(msg, None).unwrap();

assert_eq!(value, "Hello, world!");

let mut args = HashMap::new();
args.insert("name", FluentValue::from("John"));

let msg = ctx.get_message("intro").unwrap();
let value = ctx.format(msg, Some(&args)).unwrap();

assert_eq!(value, "Welcome, John.");


pub use context::MessageContext;



MessageContext is a collection of localization messages in Fluent.


The ResolveValue trait resolves Fluent AST nodes to FluentValues.


AST, parser and serializer operations


The FluentValue enum represents values which can be formatted to a String.