initSidebarItems({"enum":[["LogLevel","An enum representing the available verbosity levels of the logging framework"],["LogLevelFilter","An enum representing the available verbosity level filters of the logging framework."]],"fn":[["default_format","A logline-formatter that produces lines like
```INFO [my_prog::some_submodule] Task successfully read from conf.json```"],["detailed_format","A logline-formatter that produces lines like
```[2016-01-13 15:25:01.640870 +01:00] INFO [foo::bar] src/foo/ Task successfully read from conf.json```"],["init","Initializes the flexi_logger to your needs, and the global logger with flexi_logger."],["opt_format","A logline-formatter that produces lines like
```[2016-01-13 15:25:01.640870 +01:00] INFO [src/foo/bar:26] Task successfully read from conf.json```"]],"struct":[["FlexiLogger","Does the logging. Is only made public to support usecases where more than one FlexiLogger instance are required in a single process."],["FlexiLoggerError","Describes errors in the initialization of flexi_logger."],["LogConfig","Allows influencing the behavior of flexi_logger."],["LogRecord","The \"payload\" of a log message."]]});