var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["flatbuffers"] = {"doc":"Rust support for Flatbuffers.","items":[[3,"Builder","flatbuffers","Flatbuffer builder.",null,null],[3,"Table","","A wrapper object around Flatbuffer table data.",null,null],[3,"Iterator","","An iterator over flatbuffer vectors.",null,null],[5,"new_string_iterator","","Create a new iterator over a flatbuffer vector of string.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"table"},{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"iterator"}}],[5,"new_struct_iterator","","Create a new iterator over a flatbuffer vector of structs.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"table"},{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"iterator"}}],[5,"new_table_iterator","","Create a new iterator over a flatbuffer vector of tables.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"table"},{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"iterator"}}],[5,"empty_iterator","","Helper function. Constructs a zero iterator.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"table"}],"output":{"name":"iterator"}}],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"with_capacity","","Start a new FlatBuffer `Builder` backed by a buffer with an\ninitial capacity of `size`.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"start_object","","Start encoding a new object in the buffer.",0,null],[11,"end_object","","finish off writing the object that is under construction.",0,null],[11,"start_vector","","Initializes bookkeeping for writing a new vector.",0,null],[11,"end_vector","","finish off writing the current vector.",0,null],[11,"create_string","","Create a string in the buffer from an already encoded UTF-8 `String`.",0,null],[11,"finish","","Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `root_table`.",0,null],[11,"get_bytes","","Consume the builder and return the finished flatbuffer.",0,null],[11,"len","","Returns the length of the buffer.",0,null],[11,"swap_out","","Returns the current finished buffer and replaces it with\na `new_buffer`.",0,null],[11,"reset","","Resets the builder.",0,null],[11,"offset","","Offset relative to the end of the buffer",0,null],[11,"prep","","prepare to write an element of `size` after `additional_bytes`\nhave been written.",0,null],[11,"pad","","pad places zeros at the current offset.",0,null],[11,"put_bool","","Add a `bool` to the buffer, backwards from the current location.\nDoesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_u8","","Add a `byte` to the buffer, backwards from the current location.\nDoesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_i8","","Add a `value` of type `i8` to the buffer, backwards from the current\nlocation. Doesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_u16","","Add a `value` of type `u16` to the buffer, backwards from the current\nlocation. Doesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_i16","","Add a `value` of type `i16` to the buffer, backwards from the current\nlocation. Doesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_u32","","Add a `value` of type `u32` to the buffer, backwards from the current\nlocation. Doesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_i32","","Add a `value` of type `i32` to the buffer, backwards from the current\nlocation. Doesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_u64","","Add a `value` of type `u64` to the buffer, backwards from the current\nlocation. Doesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_i64","","Add a `value` of type `i64` to the buffer, backwards from the current\nlocation. Doesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_f32","","Add a `value` of type `f32` to the buffer, backwards from the current\nlocation. Doesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_f64","","Add a `value` of type `f64` to the buffer, backwards from the current\nlocation. Doesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"put_uoffset","","Add a `value` of type `UOffsetT` to the buffer, backwards from the\ncurrent location. Doesn't align nor check for space.",0,null],[11,"add_bool","","Add a `bool` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_u8","","Add a value of type `u8` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_i8","","Add a value of type `i8` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_u16","","Add a value of type `u16` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_i16","","Add a value of type `i16` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_u32","","Add a value of type `u32` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_i32","","Add a value of type `i32` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_u64","","Add a value of type `u64` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_i64","","Add a value of type `i64` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_f32","","Add a value of type `f32` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_f64","","Add a value of type `f64` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).",0,null],[11,"add_uoffset","","Add a value of type `f64` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the\nbuffer (if necessary).\nprepends an UOffsetT, relative to where it will be written.",0,null],[11,"slot","","Slot sets the vtable key `voffset` to the current location in the buffer.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_bool","","Add a `bool` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals\ndefault `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data\nwill be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_u8","","Add a value of type `u8` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value\n`x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other\ndata will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_i8","","Add a value of type `i8` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value\n`x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other\ndata will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_u16","","Add a value of type `u16` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value\n`x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other\ndata will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_i16","","Add a value of type `i16` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value\n`x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other\ndata will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_u32","","Add a value of type `u32` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value\n`x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other\ndata will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_i32","","Add a value of type `i32` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value\n`x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other\ndata will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_u64","","Add a value of type `u64` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value\n`x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other\ndata will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_i64","","Add a value of type `i64` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value\n`x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other\ndata will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_f32","","Add a value of type `f32` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value\n`x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other\ndata will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_f64","","Add a value of type `f64` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value\n`x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other\ndata will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_uoffset","","Add a value of type `UOffsetT` onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If\nvalue `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no\nother data will be written.",0,null],[11,"add_slot_struct","","PrependStructSlot prepends a struct onto the object at vtable slot `o`.\nStructs are stored inline, so nothing additional is being added.\nIn generated code, `d` is always 0.",0,null],[11,"grow","","Doubles the size of the buffer.",0,null],[11,"default","","",0,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"builder"}}],[11,"into","","",0,null],[11,"eq","","",1,null],[11,"ne","","",1,null],[11,"clone","","",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"from_offset","","Create a table using from a slice using data starting at offset.",1,null],[11,"with_pos","","Create a table for a simple inline struct.",1,null],[11,"get_root","","Return an object table at offset.",1,null],[11,"get_indirect_root","","Return an object table at offset specified by offset.",1,null],[11,"field_offset","","Returns the field offset or 0 if the field was not present.",1,null],[11,"byte_vector","","ByteVector gets an unsigned byte slice from data stored inside\nthe flatbuffer.",1,null],[11,"ibyte_vector","","ByteVector gets a signed byte slice from data stored inside\nthe flatbuffer.",1,null],[11,"bool_vector","","ByteVector gets a slice of bool from data stored inside the flatbuffer.",1,null],[11,"struct_vector","","TODO",1,null],[11,"table_vector","","TODO",1,null],[11,"str_vector","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_bool","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_u8","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_i8","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_u16","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_i16","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_u32","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_i32","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_u64","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_i64","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_f32","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_f64","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_str","","TODO",1,null],[11,"get_struct","","Retrieve a struct table from offset.",1,null],[11,"get_pos","","Accesor function for the tables position in the buffer.",1,null],[11,"read_uoffset","","Reads an offset at exact position.",1,null],[11,"from","","",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",2,null],[11,"next","","",2,null],[11,"size_hint","","",2,null],[11,"len","","",2,null],[11,"next","","",2,null],[11,"size_hint","","",2,null],[11,"len","","",2,null],[6,"UOffsetT","","A UOffsetT stores an unsigned offset into vector data.",null,null],[6,"VOffsetT","","A VOffsetT stores an unsigned offset in a vtable.",null,null],[6,"SOffsetT","","A SOffsetT stores a signed offset into arbitrary data.",null,null],[8,"ObjectBuilder","","A trait used by generated object builders to facilitate\nusing the same flatbuffer `Builder`.",null,null],[11,"from_other","","Convert from one `ObjectBuilder` instance to another.",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"from_other","","Convert from one `ObjectBuilder` instance to another.",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}]],"paths":[[3,"Builder"],[3,"Table"],[3,"Iterator"],[8,"ObjectBuilder"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);