finchers 0.12.0-alpha.6

A combinator library for builidng asynchronous HTTP services failed to build finchers-0.12.0-alpha.6
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: finchers-0.13.5

A combinator library for building asynchronous HTTP services.

The concept and design was highly inspired by finch.


  • Asynchronous handling powerd by futures and Tokio
  • Building an HTTP service by combining the primitive components
  • Type-safe routing without (unstable) procedural macros


use finchers::prelude::*;
use finchers::path;

fn main() {
    let get_post = path!(@get / u64 /)
        .map(|id: u64| format!("GET: id={}", id));

    let create_post = path!(@post /)
        .map(|data: String| format!("POST: body={}", data));

    let post_api = path!(/ "posts")

# std::mem::drop(move || {
# });