file-sniffer 3.0.1

Command-line tool to find build artifacts and junk on your computer.
name: sniff
author: Vanessa McHale <>
about: Tool to find large files and project build artifacts. 
    - sort:
        about: Find the biggest files/directories
            - dir:
                value_name: DIRECTORY
                help: Directory to search
            - count: 
                short: n
                long: count
                takes_value: true
                value_name: NUMBER
                help: Number of files to find (default 8)
            - parallel:
                short: p
                long: parallel
                help: Force parallel directory traversals
            - files:
                short: f
                long: files
                help: Whether to print files in addition to directories (default false)
            - depth: 
                short: d
                long: depth
                takes_value: true
                value_name: NUMBER
            - excludes:
                short: e
                long: exclude
                takes_value: true
                value_name: PATH
              #- silent:
              #short: s
              #long: silent
              #help: Don't print warnings.
            - threshold:
                short: t
                long: threshold
                takes_value: true
                value_name: SIZE
                help: Specify a threshold for file size (default 1M)
    - fat:
        about: Show big files/directories
            - dir:
                value_name: DIRECTORY
                help: Directory to search
            - threshold:
                short: t
                long: threshold
                takes_value: true
                value_name: SIZE
                help: Specify a threshold for file size (default 1M)
            - excludes:
                short: e
                long: exclude
                takes_value: true
                value_name: PATH
            - parallel:
                short: p
                long: parallel
                help: Force parallel directory traversals
            - files:
                short: f
                long: files
                help: Whether to print files in addition to directories (default false)
            - depth: 
                short: d
                long: depth
                takes_value: true
                value_name: NUMBER
                help: How far to recurse (default 2)
    - all:
        about: Show all files/directories
            - dir:
                value_name: DIRECTORY
                help: Directory to search
            - threshold:
                short: t
                long: threshold
                takes_value: true
                value_name: SIZE
                help: Specify a threshold for file size (default 1M)
            - parallel:
                short: p
                long: parallel
                help: Force parallel directory traversals
            - excludes:
                short: e
                long: exclude
                takes_value: true
                value_name: PATH
            - files:
                short: f
                long: files
                help: Whether to print files in addition to directories (default false)
            - depth: 
                short: d
                long: depth
                takes_value: true
                value_name: NUMBER
                help: How far to recurse (default 2)
    - ar:
        about: Show directories with build artifacts
            - dir:
                value_name: DIRECTORY
                help: Directory to search
            - threshold:
                short: t
                long: threshold
                takes_value: true
                value_name: SIZE
                help: Specify a threshold for file size (default 1M)
            - files:
                short: f
                long: files
                help: Whether to print files in addition to directories (default false)
            - excludes:
                short: e
                long: exclude
                takes_value: true
                value_name: PATH
                help: Regex for paths to exclude
            - sort:
                short: o
                long: sort
                help: Sort results by size
            - gitignore:
                short: g
                long: no-gitignore
                help: Don't bother using .gitignore information for faster traversal
            - regex:
                short: r
                long: regex
                takes_value: true
                value_name: REGEX
                help: Specify a custom regex for picking out artifacts. For instance, to find '.rlib' files only, you could do 'sniff ar -r .*?rlib$'
            - depth: 
                short: d
                long: depth
                takes_value: true
                value_name: NUMBER
                help: How far to recurse (default 2)