file-sniffer 3.0.1

Command-line tool to find build artifacts and junk on your computer.
#[macro_use] extern crate clap;

extern crate libsniff;
extern crate colored;
extern crate regex;

use libsniff::prelude::*;
use clap::App;
use colored::*;

fn main() {
    // command-line parser
    #[cfg(feature = "english")]
    let yaml = load_yaml!("options-en.yml");
    #[cfg(feature = "francais")]
    let yaml = load_yaml!("options-fr.yml");
    #[cfg(feature = "deutsch")]
    let yaml = load_yaml!("options-de.yml");
    let matches = App::from_yaml(yaml).version(crate_version!()).get_matches();

    // find large files
    if let Some(command) = matches.subcommand_matches("fat") {

        // set threshold
        let min_bytes = match threshold(command.value_of("threshold")) {
            Some(t) => t, 
            _ => 1048576,

        // set depth
        let depth = get_depth(command.value_of("depth"));

        // don't print warnings
        //let silent = command.is_present("silent");

        // don't print warnings
        let print_files = command.is_present("files");

        // whether to use parallel directory traversals
        let force_parallel = command.is_present("parallel");

        // get the number of processors to be used
        let nproc = if force_parallel { get_processors() } else { 0 };

        // set regex for exclusions
        let regex = command.value_of("excludes");

        // set path to dir
        let init_dir = get_dir(command.value_of("dir"));

        // get relevant filenames &c.
        let v = match regex {
                Some(r) => read_all(&init_dir, force_parallel, 0, Some(depth), None, Some(&check_regex(r)), nproc, &None, false, false),
                _ => read_all(&init_dir, force_parallel, 0, Some(depth), None, None, nproc, &None, false, false),

        // filter by depth
        let mut v_filtered = v.filtered(depth, Some(min_bytes), !print_files);

        // display results

    // find large files
    else if let Some(command) = matches.subcommand_matches("all") {

        // set threshold
        let min_bytes = threshold(command.value_of("threshold"));

        // set depth
        let depth = get_depth(command.value_of("depth"));

        // whether to use parallel directory traversals
        let force_parallel = command.is_present("parallel");

        // get the number of processors to be used
        let nproc = if force_parallel { get_processors() } else { 0 };

        // set regex for exclusions
        let regex = command.value_of("excludes"); 

        // don't print warnings
        let print_files = command.is_present("files");

        // set path to dir
        let init_dir = get_dir(command.value_of("dir"));

        // get relevant filenames &c.
        let v = match regex {
                Some(r) => read_all(&init_dir, force_parallel, 0, Some(depth), None, Some(&check_regex(r)), nproc, &None, false, false),
                _ => read_all(&init_dir, force_parallel, 0, Some(depth), None, None, nproc, &None, false, false),

        // filter by depth
        let mut v_filtered = v.filtered(depth, min_bytes, !print_files);

        // display results


    else if let Some(command) = matches.subcommand_matches("ar") {

        // set threshold
        let min_bytes = threshold(command.value_of("threshold"));

        // set depth
        let depth = get_depth(command.value_of("depth"));

        // whether to use parallel directory traversals
        let force_parallel = command.is_present("parallel");

        // set number of things to fetch for sort
        let num_int = get_num(command.value_of("count")); 

        // decide whether to sort
        let should_sort = command.is_present("sort");

        // don't print warnings
        let print_files = command.is_present("files");

        // set regex for artifacts
        let artifacts = command.value_of("regex"); 

        // decide whether to use gitignore information
        let no_gitignore = command.is_present("gitignore");

        // set path to dir
        let init_dir = get_dir(command.value_of("dir"));

        // get the number of processors to be used
        let nproc = 0;

        // get relevant filenames &c.
        let v = if let Some(r) = artifacts {
                let re = check_regex(r);
                let excludes = get_excludes(command.value_of("excludes"));
                read_all(&init_dir, force_parallel, 0, Some(depth), Some(&re), Some(&excludes), nproc, &None, !no_gitignore, true)
            else {
                let excludes = get_excludes(command.value_of("excludes"));
                read_all(&init_dir, force_parallel, 0, Some(depth), None, Some(&excludes), nproc, &None, !no_gitignore, true)

        let mut v_processed = if should_sort {
                v.sort(Some(num_int), depth, min_bytes, !print_files)
            else {
                v.filtered(depth, min_bytes, !print_files)


    // sort entities by size
    else if let Some(command) = matches.subcommand_matches("sort") {

        // set threshold
        let min_bytes = threshold(command.value_of("threshold"));

        // set number of things to fetch for sort
        let num_int = get_num(command.value_of("count")); 

        // set depth
        let depth = get_depth(command.value_of("depth"));

        // whether to use parallel directory traversals
        let force_parallel = command.is_present("parallel");

        // get the number of processors to be used
        let nproc = if force_parallel { get_processors() } else { 0 };

        // don't print warnings
        let print_files = command.is_present("files");

        // set path to dir
        let init_dir = get_dir(command.value_of("dir"));

        // set regex for exclusions
        let regex = 
            if let Some(n) = command.value_of("excludes") {
            else {

        // get relevant filenames &c.
        let v = match regex {
            Some(r) => read_all(&init_dir, force_parallel, 0, Some(depth), None, Some(&check_regex(r)), nproc, &None, false, false),
            _ => read_all(&init_dir, force_parallel, 0, Some(depth), None, None, nproc, &None, false, false),

        // sort them
        let mut v_sorted = v.sort(Some(num_int), depth, min_bytes, !print_files);

        // display sorted filenames

    else {
        eprintln!("{}: Command not recognized. Try 'sniff --help' if you're stuck.", "Error".red());