fibers_rpc 0.2.12

RPC library built on top of fibers crate


fibers_rpc Documentation Build Status Code Coverage License: MIT

Rust RPC library built on top of fibers crate.



  • Asynchronous RPC server/client using fibers crate
  • Support two type of RPC:
    • Request/response model
    • Notification model
  • Strongly typed RPC using bytecodec crate
    • You can treat arbitrarily Rust structures that support serde as RPC messages
    • It is possible to handle huge structures as RPC messages without compromising efficiency and real-time property by implementing your own encoder/decoder
  • Multiplexing multiple RPC messages in a single TCP stream
  • Prioritization between messages
  • Expose Prometheus metrics


Simple echo RPC server:

use fibers::{Executor, InPlaceExecutor, Spawn};
use fibers_rpc::{Call, ProcedureId};
use fibers_rpc::client::RpcClientServiceBuilder;
use fibers_rpc::codec::BytesEncoder;
use fibers_rpc::server::{HandleCall, Reply, RpcServerBuilder};
use futures::Future;

// RPC definition
struct EchoRpc;
impl Call for EchoRpc {
    const ID: ProcedureId = ProcedureId(0);
    const NAME: &'static str = "echo";

    type Req = Vec<u8>;
    type ReqEncoder = BytesEncoder<Vec<u8>>;
    type ReqDecoder = Vec<u8>;

    type Res = Vec<u8>;
    type ResEncoder = BytesEncoder<Vec<u8>>;
    type ResDecoder = Vec<u8>;

// Executor
let mut executor = InPlaceExecutor::new().unwrap();

// RPC server
struct EchoHandler;
impl HandleCall<EchoRpc> for EchoHandler {
    fn handle_call(&self, request: <EchoRpc as Call>::Req) -> Reply<EchoRpc> {
let server_addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let server = RpcServerBuilder::new(server_addr)
executor.spawn(server.map_err(|e| panic!("{}", e)));

// RPC client
let service = RpcClientServiceBuilder::new().finish(executor.handle());

let request = Vec::from(&b"hello"[..]);
let response = EchoRpc::client(&service.handle()).call(server_addr, request.clone());

executor.spawn(service.map_err(|e| panic!("{}", e)));
let result = executor.run_future(response).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result.ok(), Some(request));

Informal benchmark result (v0.2.1):

$ uname -a
Linux DESKTOP 4.4.0-43-Microsoft #1-Microsoft Wed Dec 31 14:42:53 PST 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ lscpu | grep 'Model name:'
Model name:            Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7660U CPU @ 2.50GHz

// Runs the example echo server in a shell.
$ cargo run --example echo --release -- server

// Executes a benchmark command in another shell.
$ echo "hello" | cargo run --example echo --release -- bench -c 1024 -n 1000000
# ELAPSED: 8.111424
# RPS: 123282.91555218912