fern 0.1.12

Fern is a simple runtime-configurable logging library
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fern is a runtime-configurable logging library written for rust.

Current features are:

  • Multiple loggers. You can create as many loggers as you need, and configure them separately.
  • Configurable output format via closures.
  • Multiple outputs per logger - current options are to a file, or to stdout/stderr (or any combination of those)
  • Each output can have a Level configured, so you can output all log messages to a log file, and only have warnings and above show up in the console!
  • You can also define your own custom logging endpoints - have messages end up where you need them!
  • Thread-local logger storage. This allows for convenient debug/info/warning/severe!() and log!() macros via the fern_macros package.

fern is still in development, and most features are experimental. The library is subject to change in non-backwards-compatible ways.

This library can only be used while complying to the license terms in the LICENSE file.

The more information, and examples on how to use fern, see the fern docs.