fern 0.1.0

Fern is a simple runtime-configurable logging library
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fern is a runtime-configurable logging library written for rust.

Current features are:

  • Multiple loggers. You can create as many loggers as you need, and configure them separately.
  • Configurable output format via closures.
  • Multiple outputs per logger - current options are to a file, or to stdout/stderr (or any combination of those)
  • Each output can have a Level configured, so you can output all log messages to a log file, and only have warnings and above show up in the console!
  • You can also define your own custom logging endpoints - have messages end up where you need them!

fern is still in development, and most features are experimental. The library is subject to change in non-backwards-compatible ways.

This library can only be used while complying to the license terms in the LICENSE file.