[][src]Attribute Macro fehler::throws


Annotations a function that "throws" a Result.

Inside functions tagged with throws, you can use ? and the throw! macro to return errors, but you don't need to wrap the successful return values in Ok.

throws can optionally take a type as an argument, which will be the error type returned by this function. By default, the function will throw this crate's "default error type." (see below).

Default Error Type

This macro supports a "default error type," if you give the macro _ instead of a type name. The default error type will be whatever the path crate::Error resolves to: so if you have a type called Error in your crate root, that is the type the macro will use by default.

You can define your own error in your crate root, or you can use a type alias.


// Set the default error type for this crate:
type Error = std::io::Error;

fn main() {
   let file = std::fs::read_to_string("my_file.txt")?;
   println!("{}", file);