faunadb 0.1.0-alpha.1

A Client for Fauna Database
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FaunaDB Rust Client

FaunaDB offers an asynchronous client for communicating with the Fauna database.


  • Typesafe
  • Allocating only when really needed
  • Asynchronous, async/await

The crate is not yet tested on production so use at your own risk.

Basic Usage

use faunadb::prelude::*;

async fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), faunadb::error::Error> {
    let client = Client::builder("put-your-secret-here").build()?;
    let params = DatabaseParams::new("my-first-database");

    let response = client.query(CreateDatabase::new(params)).await?;
    let res = response.resource;

    assert_eq!(Some("my-first-database"), res["name"].as_str())


For tests to be successful, one must have the default Fauna Docker image, using the default password secret.

Run the tests with:

cargo test


The faunadb-rust crate is licensed under the Apache 2.0