ezcli 0.3.0

Easy CLI crate for Rust


Small and lightweight to be in any command line application, without having to worry about a lot of extra nonsense. I intend for this to be designed with simplicity in mind.


Command line argument for on/off state. Using the flag macro you pass a variable name in and it is now available to that scope. The variables value is determined on whether or not a CLI option is passed in with the same name.

use ezcli::flag;

// my_boolean is true if program args contain "--my_boolean"


Command line argument for an optional parameter. Using the option macro you pass a variable name in making it available to that scope. Takes the value provided to it from the CLI if available. When available it will be a Some wrapping that value and when not, it'll be None.

use ezcli::option;

// my_arg is Some(x) if given "--my_arg x", otherwise None 


Command line argument for on/off state. Using the named_flag macro you pass a variable name in and it is now available to that scope. The variables value is determined on whether or not a CLI option is passed in with a given name.

use ezcli::{named_flag, name::Name};

// my_boolean is available to the program but accepts "-b" or "--my-boolean" 
named_flag!(my_boolean, Name::new("my-boolean", "b"));


Command line argument for a named optional parameter. Using named_option macro you pass in a variable, which will be created, and a Name struct that defines the long and short naming. Takes the value provided to it from the CLI if available. When available it will be a Some wrapping that value and when not, it'll be None.

use ezcli::{named_option, name::Name};

named_option!(my_option, Name::new("my-option", "o"));