[][src]Function exr::image::write_all_lines_to_buffered

pub fn write_all_lines_to_buffered(
    write: impl Write + Seek,
    meta_data: MetaData,
    get_line: impl Sync + Fn(&[Header], LineRefMut) -> UnitResult,
    options: WriteOptions<impl OnWriteProgress>
) -> UnitResult

Compresses and writes all lines of an image described by meta_data and get_line to the writer. Flushes the writer to explicitly handle all errors.

Attention: Currently, using multicore compression with LineOrder::Increasing or LineOrder::Decreasing in any header can potentially allocate large amounts of memory while writing the file. Use unspecified line order for lower memory usage.

Does not buffer the writer, you should always pass a BufWriter. If pedantic, throws errors for files that may produce errors in other exr readers.