espr 0.3.0

EXPRESS Language compiler

A crate for implementing EXPRESS language compiler and related tools


│ EXPRESS Schema │
│ Tokenize
│ Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) │
│ Legalize
│ Intermediate Representation (IR) │
└──┬───────────────────────────────┘ │
│ Code Generation                 │ espr's responsibility
┌──▼────────────────────────┐        ▼
│ Rust code with proc-macro │  ─────────────────────────────────
│ proc-macro
┌──▼──────────────┐ call ┌──────────┐
│ Final Rust code ├──────► ruststep │
└─────────────────┘      └──────────┘
  • Tokenize
  • Read EXPRESS input and parse into abstract syntax tree (AST)
  • [ast] module defines AST structs
  • [parser] module defines parser combinator for parsing EXPRESS language
  • Legalize
  • Convert AST to IR (intermediate representation) to ready the following code generation
  • [ir] module defines IR structs, and they implements [ir::Legalize] trait for legalizing from AST
  • Code Generation
  • [codegen::rust] module generates Rust code from IR

Introduction to STEP

As we describe in README, STEP consists of three components:

  • Schema language called EXPRESS
  • Data format called "exchange structure" or "STEP file"
  • Schemas, e.g. AP203 for CAD components

This short section shows basic concept of EXPRESS schemas and exchange structures for developers new to STEP ecosystem.

EXPRESS language, standardized as ISO-10303-11, is a schema language as a part of STEP ecosystem.

SCHEMA my_first_schema;
x: REAL;
y: REAL;

z: REAL;
a: a;

This example schema written in EXPRESS language defines my_first_schema schema and two entities a and b. Entity is a collection of primitive types or other entities similar to struct in Rust.

Actual data will be stored in another data format called "exchange structure" or "STEP file", standardized as ISO-10303-21. Exchange structure consists of following sections:

  • ANCHOR (optional)
  • REFERENCE (optional)
  • DATA
  • SIGNATURE (optional)

A data section contains indexed instances:

#1 = A(1.0, 2.0);
#2 = B(3.0, A((4.0, 5.0)));
#3 = B(6.0, #1);

This describes three instances, #1 of type A, and #2 and #3 of type B. Data section itself is independent from any schema. The grammar of exchange structure allows any number of fields, e.g. A(1.0, 2.0, 3.0). What data must be contained in the data section is specified in its header section:

/* others */

The type A (B) corresponds to a (b) entity in schema. Programs reading this exchange structure should reject invalid data e.g. A(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) based on the schema specification, and this crate aims to help creating such programs easily.

Terms and definitions

These are excerpts from ISO 10303-11 3.3 "Other terms and definitions" to help understanding terms appears in this document.

Basic terms

Section Term Meaning
3.3.22 value a unit of data.
3.3.4 constant a named unit of data from a specified domain. The value cannot be modified.
3.3.10 instance a named value.
3.3.5 data type a domain of values.

Terms about entity

Section Term Meaning
3.3.6 entity a class of information defined by common properties.
3.3.7 entity data type a representation of an entity. An entity data type establishes a domain of values defined by common attributes and constraints.
3.3.8 entity (data type) instance a named entity data type value. The name of an entity instance is used for referencing the instance.
3.3.9 (single) entity (data type) value a unit of data which represents a unit of information within the class defined by an entity data type. It is a member of the domain established by this entity data type.
3.3.16 population a collection of entity data type instances.

Advanced terms about entity

Section Term Meaning
3.3.1 complex entity a representation of an entity. A complex entity data type establishes a domain of values defined by the common attributes and constraints of an allowed combination of entity data types within a particular subtype/supertype graph.
3.3.19 simple entity instance a named unit of data which represents a unit of information within the class defined by an entity. It is a member of the domain established by a single entity data type.
3.3.2 complex entity instance a named complex entity data type value. The name of a complex entity instance is used for referencing the instance.
3.3.3 complex entity value a unit of data that represents a unit of information within the class defined by a complex entity data type. It is a member of the domain established by this complex entity data type.
3.3.14 partial complex entity a potential representation of an entity. A partial complex entity data type is a grouping of entity data types within a subtype/supertype graph which may form part or all of a complex entity data type.
3.3.15 partial complex entity value a value of a partial complex entity data type. This has no meaning on its own and must be combined with other partial complex entity values and a name to form a complex entity instance.
3.3.11 multi-leaf complex entity a complex entity data type that consists of more than one entity data types that do not have further subtypes within this complex entity data type.
3.3.12 multi-leaf complex entity instance a named multi-leaf complex entity data type value. The name of a multi-leaf complex entity instance is used for referencing the instance.
3.3.13 multi-leaf complex entity value a unit of data that represents a unit of information within the class defined by a multi-leaf complex entity data type. It is a member of the domain established by this multi-leaf complex entity data type.

"data type" is ommitted here since "entity" and "entity data type" indicate same one in most situation.