erroneous 1.0.1

Minimalistic helper for using errors

erroneous - Helper for defining and using errors


erroneous is a crate with two features:

  • Its Error trait
  • Its Error derive


extern crate derive_more;
extern crate erroneous;

#[derive(Debug, Display, Error)]
enum ParseError {
	#[display(fmt = "Found an unexpected 'a' in the input")]
	#[display(fmt = "Found an unexpected 'b' in the input")]
	#[display(fmt = "Input was empty")]

The Error trait

The Error trait is a supertrait of std::error::Error. It is automatically implemented for all implementors of std::error::Error, with some restrictions, particularly, it is Send + Sync + 'static. This means you have more freedom when dealing with them, and can in addition downcast dyn Error to concrete types. In addition, the trait also includes a helper method to iterate the chain of errors called iter.

The Error derive

This feature just implements std::error::Error (and thus also erroneous::Error) for you, You can annotate a field in your input as #[error(source)] to make the source method return that field.


erroneous is licensed under the terms of the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0, at your choosing.