var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["env_logger"] = {"doc":"A logger configured via an environment variable which writes to standard\nerror.","items":[[3,"LogBuilder","env_logger","LogBuilder acts as builder for initializing the Logger.\nIt can be used to customize the log format, change the enviromental variable used\nto provide the logging directives and also set the default log level filter.",null,null],[5,"init","","Initializes the global logger with an env logger.",null,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"new","","Initializes the log builder with defaults",0,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"logbuilder"}}],[11,"filter","","Adds filters to the logger",0,null],[11,"format","","Sets the format function for formatting the log output.",0,null],[11,"parse","","Parses the directives string in the same form as the RUST_LOG\nenvironment variable.",0,null],[11,"init","","Initializes the global logger with an env logger.",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"LogBuilder"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);