var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["enum_traits"] = {"doc":"Simple traits for the builtin enums.\nThe crate `enum_traits_macros` is required for the derives","items":[[8,"Index","enum_traits","Represents the type specified in the `repr` attribute for the enum item.\nIf a `repr` attribute does not exist, a calculated minimum integer type based on the number of variant fields is used instead.",null,null],[16,"Type","","Type used as an index for the enum",0,null],[8,"FromIndex","","Derive this trait for an enum using `#[derive(EnumFromIndex)]`",null,null],[10,"from_index","","Tries to construct an enum from a index in the enum's variants' defined order",1,null],[8,"ToIndex","","Derive this trait for an enum using `#[derive(EnumToIndex)]`",null,null],[10,"into_index","","Index in defined order in an enum",2,null],[10,"index","","Index in defined order in an enum",2,null],[8,"Len","","Derive this trait for an enum using `#[derive(EnumLen)]`",null,null],[18,"LEN","","Number of variants in an enum",3,null],[8,"Ends","","Derive this trait for an enum using `#[derive(EnumEnds)]`",null,null],[10,"first","","First variant in defined order in an enum",4,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[10,"last","","Last variant in defined order in an enum",4,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"self"}}]],"paths":[[8,"Index"],[8,"FromIndex"],[8,"ToIndex"],[8,"Len"],[8,"Ends"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);