english-lint 0.1.1

Find common stylistic problems in english texts. Works well for technical or scientific documents.

English Lint

Find common stylistic problems in english texts. Works well for technical or scientific documents. Based on write-good and this article.

This repository contains both a library and a simple CLI tool.

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CLI Usage

First, install the CLI tool using cargo install english-lint (assumes you have recent Rust and Cargo versions installed on your system).

You can either pipe text data into it (e.g. echo "Hello world" | english-lint) or call it with a file name paramter (english-lint my-thesis.md). It outputs one line for each suggestion containing the name of the lint group and the line number with start/end character indizes. If you don't see any output, english-lint thinks your text is already perfect :)

$ english-lint Readme.md
wordy: 'shall' (22:72-77)
wordy: 'additional' (23:39-49)

Library Usage

First, add english-lint as a dependency to your project (e.g. using cargo add english-lint using cargo-edit) and include it with extern crate english_lint;.

Currently, this library only exposes two things: A free function, english_lint::lint and the struture this function returns, english_lint::Hint.

API documentation.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.