embedded-nrf24l01 0.0.0

A driver for NRF24L01(+) transceivers on embedded-hal platforms.



  • Designed for use with the embedded-hal crate
  • Safe and declarative register definitions
  • Chip operation modes lifted to the type-level
  • Lets you go straight into RX/TX with the default config

Still missing

  • Auto-ack support

Reference datasheets



Get the *-hal crate for your micro-controller unit. Figure out how to get to the peripherals implementing these embedded-hal traits:

  • embedded_hal::blocking::spi::Transfer for the SPI peripheral

    We provide a mod setup with a few constants for SPI.

  • embedded_hal::digital::OutputPin for the CE pin

  • embedded_hal::digital::OutputPin for the CSN pin

    (Although that one belongs to the SPI, we found it much more reliable to implement in software.)


let mut nrf24 = NRF24L01::new(ce, csn, spi).unwrap();

This will provide an instance of Standby. You can use .rx() or .tx() to transfer into a RXMode and TXMode instances. They implement .standby() methods to get back to Standby and then switch to the other mode.


Use rx.can_read() to poll (returning the pipe number), then rx.read() to receive payload.


Use tx.send() to enqueue a packet.

Use tx.can_send() to prevent sending on a full queue, and tx.wait_empty() to flush.