[][src]Attribute Macro emacs_macros::module


Registers a function as the initializer, to be called when Emacs loads the module. Each dynamic module must have one and only one such function.


  • name: By default, the name of the feature provided by the module is the crate's name (with _ replaced by -). There is no need to explicitly call provide inside the initializer. This option allows the initializer's name, or a string, to be used instead. For examples: #[module(name(fn))], or #[module(name = "feature-name")].

  • defun_prefix and separator: Function names in Emacs are conventionally prefixed with the feature name followed by -. These 2 options allow different prefix and separator to be used. For example: #[module(name = "foo-dyn", defun_prefix = "foo", separator = "/")].

  • mod_in_name: Whether to put module path in function names. Default to true. This can also be overridden for each individual function, by an option of the same name on [#[defun]].

[#[defun]]: attr.defun.html