Crate edo [] [src]

Edo is a VERY simple templating language. It allows you to register handlers that are executed when their matching names are found in the template.

For example, with the template "Hello {name}", the name handler would be executed and the string it returns would be substituted in place of the original {name}. Handler functions can also accept arguments, which are passed in as a Vec<str>.


Static input

use edo::Edo;
let mut template = Edo::new("Hello {name}").unwrap();
template.register_static("name", "World!");
let output = template.render();
assert_eq!(output, "Hello World!");

Simple Handler

use edo::Edo;
let mut template = Edo::new("Hello {name}").unwrap();
template.register_handler("name", |_| String::from("World!"));
let output = template.render();
assert_eq!(output, "Hello World!");

Handler With Arguments

use edo::Edo;
let mut template = Edo::new("{say_hello(World)}").unwrap();
template.register_handler("say_hello", |args| format!("Hello {}", args[0]));
let output = template.render();
assert_eq!(output, "Hello World");



A single template. Allows registering of handlers and rendering