[][src]Macro edn_rs::ser_struct

macro_rules! ser_struct {
    (@gen () -> {$(#[$attr:meta])* struct $name:ident $(($id:ident: $ty:ty))*}) => { ... };
    (@gen () -> {$(#[$attr:meta])* pub struct $name:ident $(($id:ident: $ty:ty))*}) => { ... };
    (@gen ($id:tt: $ty:ty) -> {$($output:tt)*}) => { ... };
    (@gen ($id:tt: $ty:ty, $($next:tt)*) -> {$($output:tt)*}) => { ... };
    ($(#[$attr:meta])* struct $name:ident { $($input:tt)*} ) => { ... };
    ($(#[$attr:meta])* pub struct $name:ident { $($input:tt)*} ) => { ... };

ser_struct! creates a struct with the serialization trait already implemented:

ser_struct! { #[derive(Debug)] struct Foo { foo: i32, bar: String, boz: char } }

then you can use the struct normally:

extern crate edn_rs;
use edn_rs::serialize::Serialize;

fn main() {
    ser_struct! {
        struct Foo {
            foo: i32,
            bar: String,
            boz: char
    let foo  = Foo { foo: 1, bar: String::from("blahb"), boz: 'c'};

    assert_eq!(foo.serialize(), "{ :foo 1, :bar \"blahb\", :boz \\c, }");

There is also the possibility to create a public struct. This is done by adding the pub keyword before the structs naming, pub struct Foo {. Note that all inner fields will be public as well.

#[macro_use] extern crate edn_rs;

fn pub_struct() {
    let edn = helper::Edn {
        val: 6i32,
        tuples: (3i32, true, 'd')

    assert_eq!(edn.val, 6i32);
    assert_eq!(edn.tuples, (3i32, true, 'd'));

mod helper {
    use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
    use crate::edn_rs::serialize::Serialize;

        #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
        pub struct Edn {
            val: i32,
            tuples: (i32, bool, char),

Note than when you serialize _ will become -, __ will become . and ___ will become / PLEASE USE #[derive(Debug)] for now