[][src]Module ed25519_zebra::batch

This is supported on feature="batch" only.

Composable, futures-based batch verification.

This is an experimental interface meant to explore a new programming model for batch verification of heterogeneous data, using Ed25519 signatures as a testing ground. Conventional batch verification APIs require choosing in advance how much data to batch, and then processing the entire batch simultaneously. But for applications which require verification of heterogeneous data, this is cumbersome and difficult.

For example, Zcash uses four different kinds of signatures (ECDSA signatures from Bitcoin, Ed25519 signatures for Sprout, and RedJubjub spendauth and binding signatures for Sapling) as well as three different kinds of zero-knowledge proofs (Sprout-on-BCTV14, Sprout-on-Groth16, and Sapling-on-Groth16). A single transaction can have multiple proofs or signatures of different kinds, depending on the transaction version and its structure. Verification of a transaction conventionally proceeds “depth-first”, checking that the structure is appropriate and then that all the component signatures and proofs are valid.

Now consider the problem of implementing batch verification in this context, using conventional batch verification APIs that require passing a list of signatures or proofs. This is quite complicated, requiring implementing a second transposed set of validation logic that proceeds “breadth-first”, checking that the structure of each transaction is appropriate while assembling collections of signatures and proofs to verify. This transposed validation logic must match the untransposed logic, but there is another problem, which is that the set of transactions must be decided in advance. This is difficult because different levels of batching are required in different contexts. For instance, batching within a transaction is appropriate on receipt of a gossiped transaction, batching within a block is appropriate for block verification, and batching across blocks is appropriate when syncing the chain.

Verification Futures

To address this problem, we move from a synchronous model for signature verification to an asynchronous model. Rather than immediately returning a verification result, verification returns a future which will eventually resolve to a verification result. Verification futures can be combined with various futures combinators, expressing the logical semantics of the combined verification checks. This allows writing checks generic over the choice of singleton or batched verification. And because the batch context is distinct from the verification logic itself, the same verification logic can be reused in different batching contexts - batching within a transaction, within a block, within a chain, etc.


TODO: add once API is more well-formed.



Performs batch Ed25519 signature verification.


Performs singleton Ed25519 signature verification.



A batch verification request.