Crate dyer

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dyer is designed for reliable, flexible and fast Request-Response based service, including data processing, web-crawling and so on, providing some friendly, interoperable, comprehensive features without compromising speed.

dyer provides some high-level features:

  • asynchronous, lock-free, concurrent streaming and I/O, make the best of thread pool, network, and system resource.
  • Event-driven, once you set the initials and recursive generator, dyer will handle the rest of it interoperably.
  • User-friendly and flexible, dyer offers high-level, easy to use wrappers and APIs what does a lot for you.

Feature Flag

To reduce code redundancy and speed up compilation, dyer use feature flag to mark the necessary modules/functions, Currently here are some supported Features:

  • xpath: Enable parse the html response with xpath
  • compression: Enable HTTP Compression: br, deflate, gzip
  • proxy: Enable use proxies
  • full: Enable all features

Get started by installing dyer-cli and looking over the examples.


This module contains structs that adjusts Task before consume it

Contains some data structure that related to the content of HTTP

the Client that asynchronously executes Request,

Instructions of components including client, affix, request, response, task, utils.

A joints of a Task and Affix in practice, it is used to reproduce a Request

attribute macro of dyer

An instruction of App and its configuration ArgApp

A structure that carries basic meta-data, including its origin, stime stamp, privilege, encoding and so on.

A lightweight logging facade.

The result of parser when parsing Response

Instructions of plugins including middleware, pipeline and their usage.


A proxy that will re-route the request to Note that it currently supports HTTP

This module contains structs related to HTTP requests, notably the Request type itself as well as a builder to create requests. Typically you’ll import the http::Request type rather than reaching into this module itself.

HTTP response types.

This module contains structs related to HTTP requests,

some utilities that useful and convenience for dealing with data flow.


implement the xpath for the response more to see Response::xpath


generally, it provide extra infomation , meta data required by server, including User-Agent, Accept-Encoding and so on.

An abstraction and collection of data flow

To control the workflow of engine in dealing with Affix including using affix or not, the amount to use/generate

Arguments that control the App at runtime, including using history or not,
Task Affix Request Response entities consuming and generating There shall be an introduction to every member(maybe coming soon).

some infomation about dyer at rumtime where speed and error-handler based on

Basic authentication

Bearer authentication

Custom authentication

series of Bytes that receives from network or to be sent

A cheaply cloneable and sliceable chunk of contiguous memory.

Client that take Request and execute, return Response

Group a Task and a optional Affix to make this it is the raw stuff before turned into a Request

A type map of protocol extensions.

basic meta data related 3 ranging

Meta Data of the Request

Meta Data of the Response

Meta Data of the Task

Represents a medium that handles the dataflow of App

Serve as an medium to create an instance of MiddleWare

the parsed result returned by parser.

Represents a medium that manipulates the collected data structure of App

Serve as an medium to create an instance of PipeLine


data type that represent proxy

An Wrapper of http::Request

An Wrapper of http::Response

An Task consists of a head and a potentially optional body. The body component is generic, enabling arbitrary types to represent the HTTP body. For example, the body could be Vec, a Stream of byte chunks, or a value that has been deserialized.



proxy authentication it support 3 types:

represent an client that invoke make requests


the Pool contains constructed Client

A vector of tuple which contians function name(&str) and function pointer (*const ()),


Although it starts a project, the work to do here is not very complicated it is as simple as setting up initial condition and other basic things.

Trait to adjust Task before make a request

Read bytes from a buffer.

Type Definitions

Attribute Macros