draw 0.2.7

A small 2D drawing library


WARNING: This library is in early development! Expect changes.

A small Rust library for 2D drawing. Simple display list and vector shapes. Currently supports SVG output, designed to also support PNG and other formats.


// create a canvas to draw on
let mut canvas = Canvas::new(100, 100);

// create a rectangle
let mut rect = Drawing::new(Shape::Rectangle {
    width: 50,
    height: 50,

// move it around
rect.position.x = 25.0;
rect.position.y = 25.0;

// give it a cool style
rect.style = Style {
    fill: Some(Fill {
        color: RGB::new(0, 0, 0),
    stroke: Some(Stroke {
        width: 2,
        color: RGB::new(255, 0, 0),

// add it to the canvas

// save the canvas as an svg
.expect("Failed to save");

Todo list

  • Bezier curves
  • Lines
  • Testing
  • Add a bunch more shapes
  • Clean up the SVG renderer shapes
  • Draw anything other than a rectangle
  • Positions
  • Styles
  • Bitmap image output

Useful Commands

Convert PNG sequence to mp4

ffmpeg -framerate 60 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out. mp4

Convert PNG sequence to gif

convert -delay 1 *.png output.gif


export RUSTFLAGS='-g'
perf record --call-graph=lbr cargo run --release
perf report