dps310 0.1.0

A platform agnostic driver to interface with the DPS310 barometric pressure & temp sensor through I2C
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DPS310 - embedded-hal I2C driver crate

A platform agnostic driver to interface with the DPS310 barometric pressure & temp sensor. This driver uses I2C via embedded-hal. Note that the DPS310 also supports SPI, however that is not (yet) implemented in this driver.


Include this crate as a dependency in your Cargo.toml

version = "<version>"

Use embedded-hal implementation to get I2C, then create a driver instance

use dps310::{DPS310, self};

let address = 0x77;
let mut dps = DPS310::new(i2c, address, &dps310::Config::new()).unwrap();

dps.trigger_measurement(true, true, true).unwrap();

if dps.data_ready().unwrap() {
    let pressure = dps.read_pressure_calibrated().unwrap();
    let temp = dps.read_temp_calibrated().unwrap();
    iprintln!(stim, "pressure: {:.1} [pPa]\t temp: {:.1} [˚C]", pressure, temp);