dont_disappear 2.1.11

Tiny crate that prevents the console window from closing when the program finishes.

Don't Disappear

Tiny crates that prevents the console window from closing when the program finishes. pipeline status License Latest version Latest Docs downloads-badge

Why you need it.

When making an app without a GUI sometimes you display some information before the program ends. If you send this program to someone and they run it in the windows command prompt or some other console the window may close before showing the data. This crate allows the user to wait until they have read the data before they close the window.

Example of Don't Disappear in action Don't Disappear in action preventing data form disappearing when a program ends.


If you run into any issues or need help with using dont_disappear in your project please email incoming+efunb/

How to use example.

This is one example of one of the ways you could use one of the dont_disappear functions.

extern crate dont_disappear;

fn main() {
    println!("Here is some data");


Close with any key.

Close with enter key.

Close with window manager.


Any key to continue


Download example for Windows

Download example for Linux

cargo run --example any_key_to_continue

Enter to continue


Download example for Windows

Download example for Linux

cargo run --example enter_to_continue

Close with window manager.


Download example for Windows

Download example for Linux

cargo run --example press_close


API Documentation


This project uses crossterm 0.4 in the any_key_to_continue module.


All examples Windows

All examples Linux


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