domain_info 0.1.0

Fetch information about a domain, including front page stats and technologies used.
domain_info-0.1.0 has been yanked.


An early-stage crate and tool to fetch information about a domain, primarily by looking at the information on the front page of the domain.

From the front page, it gets the load time, language, word count, image/form/script counts and it uses the Wappalizer project rules to identify technilogies used on the front page.

It also does a reverse dns lookup on the host and attempts to determine the host company/platform (E.g GoDaddy, Bluehost, AWS)

Additionally it gets the mail server hosts and whois information about the domain.

Basic use

For a single request:

# use domain_info::{Domain,ScanError,Scanner};
let info = Domain::from("").unwrap().scan();

(Note that this needs the tokio runtime)

For a significant number of domains refer to the file for an example which uses async/await and the tokio runtime to efficiently scan a list of domains.