Module domain::bits::compose [] [src]

Assembling wire-format DNS data.

This module provides helper types for assembling the wire format of a DNS message, a process termed composing to distinguish it from other procedures that turn DNS data into some output such as formatting into human-readable data.

There are two main types here. Composer owns a bytes vector and provides a number of methods allowing to append data to it meanwhile making sure that certain conditions such as the maximum message size are being fulfilled. These conditions are defined through the ComposeMode.

The Composer has a companion type ComposeSnapshot that wraps the original composer but allows it to roll back to an earlier state. The intention here is to reuse a partly assembled message a second attempt with slightly different data.

As a convenience, there is a trait Composable that can be implemented for types that know how to add themselves to a message-to-be.


Snapshots currently clone the compression map. As this is costly, we should have a way to either only clone on write or allow turn off compressing before cloning. This isn’t all that important, though, since we can create requests (which contain exactly one domain name in their only question) with compression turned off entirely.



A snapshot of a composer’s state.


A type for assembling a wire-format DNS message.



An error happening when composing wire-format DNS data.


An enum determining the construction mode of a composition.



A trait allowing types to compose themselves.

Type Definitions


The result type for a ComposeError.