doapi 0.1.3

A wrapper library for the DigitalOcean API v2
<a name="v0.1.0"></a>
## v0.1.0 (2015-07-03)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes to compile on latest nightly ([3dfb5a92]

<a name="v0.1.0-alpha3"></a>
## v0.1.0-alpha3 (2015-06-05)

#### Improvements

*   fixes ssh_keys api ([06c7b765]
*   implements droplets neighbors command ([6f1d64c1]
*   fixes indentation of action responses ([a5f26cec]

#### Documentation

*   wip, improving docs ([c569bb3d]

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes failing doc tests ([75dac446]
*   various fixes for droplet neighbor API ([8c9ad227]
*   fixes a droplet action API ([b5ac3bae]
*   fixes image API ([4e032f2a]
*   corrects dns record update command ([db3e723c]
*   fixes create domain API call ([8ab57fca]
*   fixes ssh_key displaying ([f09869e8]

#### Features

*   allows retrieving anonymous arrays from digitalocean ([5aeee794]

<a name="v0.1.0-alpha2"></a>
## v0.1.0-alpha2 (2015-06-04)

#### Documentation

*   adds more docs ([63a787f0]

#### Improvements

*   adds body to request display() ([f972678c]

#### Features

*   adds network response objects ([49b225c0]

<a name="v0.1.0-alpha"></a>
## v0.1.0-alpha (2015-06-03)

#### Features

*   implements listing all sizes and regions ([03b83d54], closes [#11], [#10]
* **Account Actions**  implements account actions ([044ba2c2], closes [#2]
* **Domain Records**  implements domain records API ([5fcb828e], closes [#5]
* **Domains**  implements domains API ([2b59fe78], closes [#4]
* **Droplet Actions**  implements droplet actions API ([1699de98], closes [#6]
* **Droplets**  implements droplets API ([e9155918], closes [#3]
* **Headers**  implements response headers ([556db476], closes [#12]
* **Image Actions**  implements image actions API ([583f9f71], closes [#8]
* **Images**  implements images API ([d2fc21e4], closes [#7]
* **SSH Keys**  implements ssh keys API ([ee35655e], closes [#9]
* **account**  implements account info ([079da60d], closes [#1]

#### Improvements

* **Debugging**  adds debug! macro ([5291765e]

#### Documentation

*   adds more docs ([63a787f0]
*   fixes failing doc tests ([eab280d2]
*   fixes typo in ([ae9d4484]
*   Adds more docs ([417d4463]
*   adds documentation ([ec9f379b]
*   adds changelog ([dc8758ce]
*   adding docs ([c1640458]
* ****  changes the name ([12df922e]

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes issue with creating dns records ([2b3c2ebc]
* **Account Actions**  fixes a bug where not all actions are displayed ([babaa84a]
* **DNS Records**  fixes bug with duplicate record IDs ([09b47433]