dmd_core 0.2.0

AT&T / Teletype DMD 5620 Terminal Emulator - Core Library

AT&T DMD5620 Core

Core logic for an AT&T / Teletype DMD 5620 terminal emulator


The AT&T / Teletype DMD 5620 terminal was a portrait display, programmable, windowing terminal produced in the early 1980s. It came out of research pioneered by Rob Pike and Bart Locanthi Jr., of AT&T Bell Labs.

DMD 5620 Terminal

This project implements the core logic needed to emulate a DMD 5620 terminal, including:

  • ROM
  • RAM
  • WE32100 CPU
  • I/O

Note that there is no user interface: This is a back-end library only. It may be used as a component to build a fully-fledged emulator, however.

Emulator Reference Implementation

For a reference implementation emulator that uses this library, please see the "DMD" project on GitHub.