Crate dma_heap

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§DMA-Buf Heap Helper Library

The DMA-Buf Heap interface in Linux is aimed at providing a way for the user-space to allocate memory buffers that can be efficiently shared between multiple devices through the DMA-Buf mechanism. It aims at superseeding the ION Interface previously found in Android.

This library provides a safe abstraction over this interface for Rust.

§Hello World

use std::os::unix::io::OwnedFd;
use dma_heap::{Heap, HeapKind};

let heap = Heap::new(HeapKind::Cma)

// Buffer will automatically be freed when `buffer` goes out of scope.
let buffer: OwnedFd = heap.allocate(1024).unwrap();


  • Our DMA-Buf Heap


Type Aliases§

  • Generic Result type with [Error] as its error variant