dlog_rs 1.1.5

Rust adapter for the dlog logging platform
#![crate_name = "dlog_rs"]
use dlog_core::transforms::Transforms;
use log::Level;

use crate::logger::DlogLogger;

mod logger;

/// Configures dlog with the given API_KEY and sensitive default values
/// # Arguments
/// * `api_key` - The dlog API_KEY for this service.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #[macro_use]
/// extern crate log;
/// fn main() {
///     dlog_rs::configure("<API_KEY>");
///     info!("Hello from Rust!");
///     // Flushes all remaining logs when the app exits
///     log::logger().flush();
/// }
/// ```
pub fn configure(api_key: impl Into<String>) {

/// The builder can be used to more finely configure dlog to best suit your needs.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #[macro_use]
/// extern crate log;
/// use dlog_rs::Builder;
/// fn main() {
///     Builder::new()
///         .with_env_api_key("DLOG_API_KEY")
///         .with_level(log::Level::Trace)
///         .build();
///     info!("Hello from Rust!");
///     // Flushes all remaining logs when the app exits
///     log::logger().flush();
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Builder {
    api_key: Option<String>,
    level: Option<Level>,
    transforms: Transforms,

impl Builder {
    /// Instantiates a new builder which can be used to configure dlog.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            api_key: None,
            level: None,
            transforms: Transforms::new(),

    /// Injects the API_KEY directly into the builder.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `api_key` - The dlog API_KEY for this service.
    pub fn with_str_api_key(mut self, api_key: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
        self.api_key = Some(api_key.into());

    /// Injects the API_KEY into the builder by reading it from an environmental variable.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `env_var` - The name of the environmental variable where this API_KEY is stored
    pub fn with_env_api_key(mut self, env_var: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
        self.api_key = Some(std::env::var(env_var.into()).unwrap_or_default());

    /// Sets the minimum level a log must have to be logged to dlog.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `level` - The minimum required log level
    pub fn with_level(mut self, level: Level) -> Self {
        self.level = Some(level);

    /// Adds the a email sanitizer which tries to remove all email addresses
    /// from the log messages. This is a best effort sanitizer and there is no guarantee
    /// the it will catch 100% of all valid email addresses.
    pub fn with_email_sanitizer(mut self) -> Self {

    /// Adds the a credit card sanitizer which tries to remove all credit card number
    /// from the log messages. This is a best effort sanitizer and there is no guarantee
    /// the it will catch 100% of all credit card formats.
    pub fn with_credit_card_sanitizer(mut self) -> Self {

    /// Consumes the builder and configures dlog according to the builders configuration.
    pub fn build(self) {
        let native = match dlog_core::Logger::new(self.api_key.unwrap_or_default(), self.transforms) {
            Err(err) => panic!("[dlog] Failed to configure dlog: {}", err),
            Ok(val) => val,

        let level = self.level.unwrap_or(Level::Debug);

        let logger = DlogLogger::new(native, level);
        if let Err(err) = log::set_boxed_logger(Box::new(logger)) {
            panic!("{}", err)

impl Default for Builder {
    fn default() -> Self {