discord_game_sdk 0.2.2

Safe wrapper for the Discord Game SDK
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Safe wrapper for the Discord Game SDK

This crate provides Rust support to the the following Discord features:

  • Activities (Rich Presence)
  • Users, Avatars and Relationships
  • Lobbies, Matchmaking and Voice communication
  • Faux-P2P Networking
  • Cloud Synchronized (or not) Storage
  • Store transactions


This library is currently in very early stages, most of the API is implemented but unstable. There are currently no tests (This will change once discord_game_sdk_mock is further developed).

API stability

API stability is completely uncertain until Discord provides details on their update process and how breaking changes will be introduced. The SDK documentations clearly mention that the API is not currently stabilized.


This crate relies on the SDK to provide correct data and behavior:

  • Non-null pointers to valid memory
  • UTF-8, NUL-terminated strings
  • Valid enum values
  • No mutation of memory it should have no ownership of
  • No use of pointers after destroy is called

"Legal" note

This wrapper was informally allowed for publication and distribution by Discord Staff. I cannot redistribute the SDK files until it is made open-source or is licensed for redistribution. You will have to follow some instructions when first setting up your project. Apologies for the inconvenience.

If you're a part of Discord and wish to discuss this, please email ldesgoui@gmail.com or contact twiikuu#0047. I mean no harm.

License: Apache-2.0 OR MIT