Module dioxus::prelude[][src]


pub use dioxus_html as dioxus_elements;


The html! macro makes it easy for developers to write jsx-style markup in their components.


The callback based into element event listeners.

A concrete type provider for closures that build VNode structures.

This struct provides an ergonomic API to quickly build VNodes.

Components in Dioxus use the “Context” object to interact with their lifecycle.

Every component in Dioxus is represented by a ScopeState.

A virtual node s ystem that progresses user events and diffs UI trees.


A composable “VirtualNode” to declare a User Interface in the Dioxus VirtualDOM.


A trait for any generic Dioxus Element.

Every “Props” used for a component must implement the Properties trait. This trait gives some hints to Dioxus on how to memoize the props and some additional optimizations that can be made. We strongly encourage using the derive macro to implement the Properties trait automatically as guarantee that your memoization strategy is safe.


Create inline fragments using Component syntax.

This utility function launches the builder method so rsx! and html! macros can use the typed-builder pattern to initialize a component’s props.

This hook provides some relatively light ergonomics around shared state.

Provide some state for components down the hierarchy to consume without having to drill props.

Store state between component renders!

Type Definitions

A list of attributes

A Component is a function that takes a Scope and returns an Element.

An Element is a possibly-none VNode created by calling render on Scope or ScopeState.

Attribute Macros

Derive props for a component within the component definition.

Derive Macros

Derive macro used to mark an enum as Routable.