Expand description

Marker traits for various dimensions

The traits in this module can be useful for writing code that is generic with regards to unit system, but involves a specific dimension.

Where appropriate, these traits are implemented for the unit systems in this library.

If you find it lacking, please feel free to submit an issue or pull request to add more.


extern crate dimensioned as dim;

use dim::dimensions::{Length, Time};
use dim::typenum::Quot;
use std::ops::Div;

fn speed<L, T>(dist: L, time: T) -> Quot<L, T>
    L: Length + Div<T>,
    T: Time,
    dist / time

fn main() {
    use dim::si;

    let x = 3.0 * si::M;
    let t = 2.0 * si::S;
    let v = speed(x, t);

    assert_eq!(v, x / t);

    // Compiler error:
    // speed(x, x);
