Crate dill

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Runtime dependency injection.

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Basic dependency resolution

As a user of type A we only care about getting an instance to use - the life-cycle of A and its dependencies remain hidden from us.

use dill::*;
use std::sync::Arc;

struct A {
    b: Arc<B>,  // An instance of `B` will be resolved and injected when requesting `A`

impl A {
    fn foo(&self) -> String {

struct B;

impl B {
    fn bar(&self) -> String {

let catalog = CatalogBuilder::new()

let a = catalog.get_one::<A>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "a::b");

Using trait objects (aka Interfaces)

Every type can be associated with multiple traits that it implements using CatalogBuilder::bind() method, allowing dynamically picking best implementation to use (e.g. based on config) or even using multiple implementations at once (e.g. plugins).

use dill::*;
use std::sync::Arc;

// An interface that has two implementations below
trait A: Send + Sync {
    fn foo(&self) -> String;

struct AImpl1;
impl A for AImpl1 {
    fn foo(&self) -> String {

struct AImpl2;
impl A for AImpl2 {
    fn foo(&self) -> String {

let catalog = CatalogBuilder::new()
  .bind::<dyn A, AImpl1>()
  .bind::<dyn A, AImpl2>()

// AllOf<T> is a DependencySpec that returns instances of all types that implement trait T
let ays = catalog.get::<AllOf<dyn A>>().unwrap();

let mut foos: Vec<_> = ays.iter().map(|a|;
foos.sort(); // Order is undefined

assert_eq!(foos, vec!["aimpl1".to_owned(), "aimpl2".to_owned()]);

Controlling lifetimes with Scopes

The life-cycle of a type is no longer controlled by the user of a type. Author of type A below can choose whether A should be created per call (Transient) or reused by all clients (Singleton).

use dill::*;

struct A {
    // Needed for compiler not to optimize type out
    name: String,

impl A {
    fn test(&self) -> String {

let cat = CatalogBuilder::new()

let inst1 = cat.get::<OneOf<A>>().unwrap();
let inst2 = cat.get::<OneOf<A>>().unwrap();

// Expecting Singleton scope to return same instance
    inst1.as_ref() as *const A,
    inst2.as_ref() as *const A

Parametrizing builders

Builders can be parametrized during the registration process for convenience (e.g. with values read from configuration).

use dill::*;

struct ConnectionPool {
    host: String,
    port: i32,

impl ConnectionPool {
    fn url(&self) -> String {
        format!("http://{}:{}",, self.port)

let cat = CatalogBuilder::new()

let inst = cat.get::<OneOf<ConnectionPool>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(inst.url(), "http://foo:8080");




Attribute Macros