diesel_codegen 0.1.0

Annotations to remove boilerplate from Diesel
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Diesel Codegen

Provides various macros and annotations for Diesel to reduce the amount of boilerplate needing to be written. It can be used through rustc_plugin, or syntex on stable.

Using on nightly

To use with nightly, you'll want to turn off the default features. Add this line to your dependencies section in Cargo.toml

diesel_codegen = { version = "^0.1.0", default-features = false, features = ["nightly"] }

Then you'll need to add two lines to the root of your crate.

#![feature(custom_derive, custom_attribute, plugin)]

After that, you'll be good to go.

Using on stable

On stable, you'll need to use syntex to build any modules using our annotations. Add the following to your build-dependencies.

diesel_codegen = "^0.1.0"
syntex = "^0.22.0"

You'll need to move any code using annotations into a different file.


include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/schema.rs"));


pub struct User {
    id -> i32,
    name -> String,

Then create a build.rs with the following:

extern crate syntex;
extern crate diesel_codegen;

use std::env;
use std::path::Path;

pub fn main() {
    let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
    let mut registry = syntex::Registry::new();
    diesel_codegen::register(&mut registry);

    let src = Path::new("src/schema.in.rs");
    let dst = Path::new(&out_dir).join("schema.rs");

    registry.expand("", &src, &dst).unwrap();

Note that compiler errors will be reported in the generated file, not the source file. For that reason, it's often easier to develop with nightly rust, and deploy or test on stable. You can see an example of how to do this by looking at Diesel's tests.

Struct annotations


Adds an implementation of the Queriable trait to the annotated item. At this time it only supports structs with named fields. Enums and tuple structs are not supported.


Adds an implementation of the Insertable trait to the annotated item, targeting the given table. Can only annotate structs and tuple structs. Enums are not supported. See [field annotations][#field-annotations] for additional configurations.


Adds an implementation of the AsChangeset trait to the annotated item, targeting the given table. At this time, it only supports structs with named fields. Tuple structs and enums are not supported. See [field annotations][#field-annotations] for additional configurations. If the struct has a field for the primary key, an additional function, save_changes(&mut self, connection: &Connection) -> QueryResult<()>, will be added to the model. This will persist the model to the database and update it with any fields the database returns.

Field annotations


Any field can be annotated with column_name= to have it map to a column with a different name. This is required for all fields of tuple structs.