initSidebarItems({"fn":[["avg","Represents a SQL `AVG` function. This function can only take types which are Foldable."],["count","Creates a SQL `COUNT` expression"],["count_star","Creates a SQL `COUNT(*)` expression"],["date","Represents the SQL DATE() function. The argument should be a Timestamp expression, and the return value will be an expression of type Date"],["max","Represents a SQL `MAX` function. This function can only take types which are ordered."],["min","Represents a SQL `MIN` function. This function can only take types which are ordered."],["sql",""],["sum","Represents a SQL `SUM` function. This function can only take types which are Foldable."]],"struct":[["Avg",""],["Max",""],["Min",""],["Sum",""],["now","Represents the SQL NOW() function"]],"type":[["date",""]]});