die-exit 0.3.3

Handle errors and exit in command line programs easily.


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die-exit is a simple Rust library to make it easy to handle errors and exit in command line programs. It is forked from the die library, but includes an additional test feature which will replace exit behaviour with a call to panic! in order to facilitate testing.


die-exit = "0.3"

version = "0.3"
features = ["test"]

Example usage:

use die_exit::*;
// Result:
Ok(1).die("no number"); // unwraps to 1 successfully
Err("failure").die("strange error"); // prints `strange error` to stderr then exits with code 1

// Option:
Some(1).die("no number"); // unwraps to 1 successfully
None.die("none option"); // prints `none option` to stderr then exits with code 1

// custom error codes:
Err("failure").die_code("strange error", 4); // prints `strange error` to stderr then exits with code 4
None.die_code("none option", 5); // prints `none option` to stderr then exits with code 5

// die! macro:
die!("argument to -e must be numeric"); // prints message to stderr then exits with code 1
die!(2; "argument to -e must be numeric"); // prints message to stderr then exits with code 2
die!("argument to -e must be numeric"; 3); // prints message to stderr then exits with code 3
die!("argument {} must be {}", "-e", 1; 4); // prints `argument -e must be 1` to stderr then exits with code 4
die!("argument {} must be {}", "-e", 1); // prints `argument -e must be 1` to stderr then exits with code 1
die!(2); // prints nothing, only exits with code 3
die!(); // prints nothing, only exits with code 1

Example testing:

Ensure that the test feature is turned on.

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use die_exit::*;

    fn die_test() {
        die!("Die works in tests!"; exit_codes::COMPILER_ERROR);

cargo Features

  • test: Turn this on if you want to run tests where die might be used. This will change the behaviour of die and its variants to call panic!() instead of process::exit().


This project is licensed under the MIT license (LICENSE-MIT http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)