Expand description


DGEWS is a multithreaded toy windowing system for learning win32 api in rust lang.


extern crate dgews;
use dgews::prelude::*; // prelude module contains everything
fn main() {
    let mut manager = Manager::new(WindowBuilder::default()
        .with_title("DGEWS Window")
        .with_dimensions(800, 640)
    manager.run(|events, control_flow, manager| {
        match events {
            Events::WindowEvent { id, event } => match event {
                WindowEvents::Create => println!("[INFO]: a new window with id: {} has been created", manager.window().get_id()),
                WindowEvents::Close => {
                    println!("[INFO]: a window with id: {} has been closed", manager.window().get_id());
                    *control_flow => ControlFlow::Exit; // to exit with panicing, use ControlFlow::ExitWithCode(<your number>) instead.
                _=> {}
            Events::MouseEvent { id, event } => match event {
                MouseEvents::MouseMove { x, y, last_x, last_y, dx, dy } => {
                    println!("[INFO]: mouse moved in the window with id {}: x={}, y={}, last_x={}, last_y={} dx={} dy={};", manager.window().get_id(), x, y, last_x, last_y, dx, dy);
                _=> {}
            _=> *control_flow = ControlFlow::Continue,
        if manager.get_key(Key::ESCAPE) == Action::Release {
            println!("[INFO]: program is exiting");
            *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit;
