Expand description


DGEWS is a multithreaded toy windowing system for learning win32 api in rust lang.


let mut manager = Manager::new(WindowBuilder::default()
        .with_title("Hello, World!")
        .with_dimensions(1200, 1000)
    .add_window("AnotherWindow", WindowBuilder::default()
        .with_title("Another Window for Debugging")
        .with_pos(600, 600)
        .with_dimensions(640, 800)
manager.run(|events, control_flow, manager| {
    match events {
        Events::WindowEvent { id, event } => match event {
            WindowEvents::Close => if id == manager.get_window("AnotherWindow").get_id() {
                *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit;
            _=> {}
        Events::KeyboardEvent { id: _, event } => match event {
            KeyboardEvents::Key { keycode, action } => if keycode == Key::H && action == Action::Release {
                println!("A key is released!");    
            _=> {}
        Events::MouseEvent { id, event } => match event {
            MouseEvents::LButton { action, pos } => if id == manager.window().get_id() && action == Action::Press {
                println!("Left mouse button is pressed on the window with id: {id} in the position of (x: {pos.x}, y: {pos.y})");
            _=> {}
        _=> {},
    if manager.get_key(Key::ESCAPE) == Action::Release {
