Crate dgc[][src]

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A parser and validator for the EU Digital Green Certificate (dgc) a.k.a. greenpass 📲✅

  • Parses the text content of a European Digital Green Certificate (dgc or greenpass) and extract the embedded data
  • Uses a Trustlist of public keys and Elliptic Curve cryptography to be able to validate the signature of a given certificate
  • It’s tested against 500+ certificates from the official testing dataset
  • It offers a minimal and easy to use API
  • The certificate data can be easily serialized/deserialized for ease of testing and reporting
  • It embeds the official valueset so that internal IDs (diseases, result types, countries, testing authorities, etc.) can be easily expanded to their descriptive equivalents
  • It reports errors for all fallible operations minimising the opportunity for panicking
  • Offers utilities for easily populate a Trustlist from various types of keys and apis

Current limitations:

  • It only supports EC signatures (see #2)


To install the latest version of dgc, add this to your Cargo.toml:

dgc = "*"

Dgc in action

This library tries to address 2 main use cases:

1. Decode a certificate without validating its signature

let certificate_container = dgc::decode(raw_certificate_data).expect("Cannot parse certificate data");
println!("{:#?}", certificate_container);

2. Decode a certificate and validate the signature against a trustlist

// This is a X509 certificate that contains a Public Key
let signature_certificate = "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";

// We create a new Trustlist (container of "trusted" public keys)
let mut trustlist = dgc::TrustList::default();
// We add the public key in the certificate to the trustlist
    .expect("Failed to add key from certificate");

// Now we can validate the signature (this returns)
let (certificate_container, signature_validity) =
    dgc::validate(raw_certificate_data, &trustlist).expect("Cannot parse certificate data");

println!("{:#?}", &certificate_container);

// Checks the validity of the signature
match signature_validity {
    dgc::SignatureValidity::Valid => println!("The certificate signature is Valid!"),
    e => println!("Could not validate the signature: {}", e),

Other examples?

To get started using dgc, see the examples or the docs.

If you clone the repository locally, you can easily run the example files with:

cargo run --example <name of example file>

Data structure

The information is stored inside a certification in a multi-layered format.

This library tries to find a compromise between making the information as accessible as possible and respecting the original structure of the raw data.

The following diagram represents how the information is organised once a certificate has been decoded:

Dgc data organisation diagram


Everyone is very welcome to contribute to this project. You can contribute just by submitting bugs or suggesting improvements by opening an issue on GitHub.


Licensed under MIT License. © Luciano Mammino + Rust Italia.


A representation of a CWT (CBOR Web Token).

The CWT header object.

The main certificate.

The main container for one or more DGC entries.

Contains all the info related to the subject name (forename, surname, etc.).

A recovery entry.

A test entry.

Struct used to index all the available public keys which can be used to validate the signature on a given certificate.

A vaccination entry.


An enum representing all the possible errors that can occur while trying to parse data representing a CWT (CBOR Web Token).

An enum representing varius Elliptic Curve signature algorithms.

Represents an integer or a float value.

Error struct that represents all the possible errors that can occur while trying to parse a public key.

Represents all the possible types of failures that can occure when parsing a certificate.

Represents all the possible outcomes of trying to validate a signature for a given certificate.

Error struct that represents all the possible errors that can occur while trying to create a trustlist from a given JSON payload.


Decodes the certificate and returns the DgcContainer data contained in it.

Decodes the certificate and returns the Cwt data contained in it.

Get the descriptive value for an identifier using the data in the official valuesets.

Parses and validates a given certificate.