descriptor-wallet 0.7.0-beta.1

Libraries and command line tool for building descriptor-based bitcoin wallets failed to build descriptor-wallet-0.7.0-beta.1
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Visit the last successful build: descriptor-wallet-0.10.2

Descriptor wallet library

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Library for building descriptor-based bitcoin wallets. Everything a modern cold and hot bitcoin wallet needs, but which is not (yet) a part of rust-bitcoin library.

The library clearly separates parts requiring access to private keys from those which should operate never touching them. It is advised that wallets should be designed in a way assuming zero private key access for all of their operations aside from transaction signing; this part must be separated into other repository/library and be strictly controlled. One may look after command-line btc-hot and btc-cold wallets in bin directory for an example of how this can be done.

Library provides

  • efficient manipulations with BIP-32 derivation paths, separating derivations requiring private key access from those, which will always operate without;
  • miniscript & classical bitcoin descriptors;
  • PSBT constructor using input descriptors, which allow to specify custom information about RBFs, previous public key P2C tweaks and custom hash types on a per-input basis;
  • PSBT signer, supporting RBFs, relative and absolute timelocks, all sighash types, complex scripts, including witness- and taproot-based;
  • script templates allowing embedding extended pubkeys into bitcoin script assembly;
  • lexicographic ordering of transaction & PSBT inputs & oututs;
  • script type system;
  • helper types for working with hash-lock contracts;
  • PSBT utility functions (retrieving previous output, computing fee);
  • transaction resolver API on top of Electrum Server API for convenience computation of already-mined transaction fees etc;
  • support for SLIP-32/132 extended pubkey types (ypub, zprv etc).

Wallet comparison diagram

Command-line wallets

One may install command-line wallets with the following command (requires rust compiler and rustup tools to be already installed on a system):

$ rustup default stable
$ rustup update
$ git clone
$ cd descriptor-wallet
$ cargo install --path . --locked --all-features

This will add btc-hot and btc-cold commands to the system.